Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Raised beds, new jobs and adolescent hens

Since the tornado kicked off our month of "Life In A Blender" a few developments have occurred in our little slice of America. Husband and I both got new jobs, mine part time, husband graduated from law school, children finished school for the year and the hens have been moved outside....

Except for tonight when I moved them back into the garage because we were under a tornado warning and we don't have their permanent coop built yet. Miss Cluck hurt her foot while we were herding them with their cage, and I'm hoping it heals without any problems. She's walking/roosting on the pole just fine with it, so I think it's just the skin that got hurt. We are building the coop tomorrow, so they will have somewhere nice and sturdy to ride out any storms.

I'm so over tornados.

We're seeing some promising results from our bell peppers, cukes, corn, basil, thyme, sage, squash, mint, marjoram, onions, chives and tomatoes. We actually ate some of our basil tonight and it was dee-lish if I do say so. And I do.

Speaking of margaritas, you should try Skinny Girl Margaritas. They are the bomb. Just don't try a whole bottle by yourself or you might feel like I do today.

Back to the chicks. They've been enjoying pecking and scratching in the yard and eating scraps from the kitchen. Their plumage is coming in beautifully and I'm looking forward to their red combs joining the show. Yesterday I was feeding the cats and heard Juanita cheeping excitedly. Turns out she's just a narc. Miss Cluck was proudly strutting around ON TOP of their mobile pen. Lord knows how she got there, and I wish He'd post the video on YouTube, because I bet it was hilarious. The gap in the wire on the top, in the middle of the roof was only about three inches at it's widest.  Anyway, I ran down and caught her and put her back in, then added some more scrap plywood to the top. (cue sanford and son theme song).

Speaking of the Lord, Good Him I'm tired.

'Night, y'all and God bless.

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