Monday, November 14, 2011

well, hello there!

SO - it's been a while! Tons has happened and all is well. There's no way I can get it all on here, so I'm just going to write from now forward. Today was a good day - we are still beat from the trip to Oxford, where we acted like we were in college. We so aren't in college. I'm hoping to be over Saturday by tomorrow (Tuesday) when I'm heading back up to Oxford for Dr appt and a Juice Plus meeting. I'm really looking forward to the JP thing. Joining JP at this time is so good - we are really on a wellness journey here at the Hi Five Ranchero and the two clearly go hand in hand. Driving up and down the road three days a week is not at all healthy though - and we have months to go of that. Juice Plus will help our bodies with all that stress! 
Sweet Cheeks is poised for take off - but has been sitting on the tarmac for the last couple of months. I'm stressing out about it - but it will happen when it's meant to. Moving five hours and then going back and forth constantly puts everything way down the totem pole somewhere under keeping the kids and ourselves sane. Just a few more months.... Weaning James Clay...weird. I've been preggo and/or b-feeding for almost 7 years straight. I have no idea who I'm going to be after I'm done with these cabbage leaves...I keep thinking I'm suddenly going to have more energy and clarity. Wouldn't that be nice? Here are me and my Boogie Bear doing what we do best - burning up the pavement:
Good night! Gotta hit the road early tomorrow! Woop! 

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