Tuesday, October 9, 2012

When the medical guys are shocked...and goat fences and green HVACs

So my Dr. has mentioned "your special circumstances" a few times during my treatment and I kinda gathered that my knee was severely messed up, so when my PT guy said something similar today I had to ask about it.
"I don't have anything to compare this to, and Dr. T and you both have talked about (my knee injury) like it's different- what do y'all mean?" And in words not near so crass as these he said something like:
"Well, this usually doesn't happen unless someone's leg is crushed in a car or they get hit with something big and mean."
And I was just standing on it and pulling my other leg up in an oblique exercise. "Freak accident" doesn't cover it for me. I'm the kind of person that always wants "an answer" and other than divine intervention into my way-too-busy life I can't at all understand why this happened. I'm an otherwise very healthy 37 year old. So I'm going with the divine intervention thing because I really go slap crazy if I didn't.
PT three times a week has started to try to get it to straighten. After that we will work on strengthening it so I can learn to walk on it again. Fear of re-injury is a huge factor and that's especially enlightening for me because I tended to downplay that sort of thing in others. That won't happen again.

So here's to bravery and stretching and getting this weird looking leg to straighten out. More importantly- here's to me learning all the lessons this is supposed to be teaching me.

In Hi-5 news, DH got a lot of the goat and dog fence done this past weekend with the help of some good teenaged friends. It won't be long before we add to our hooved numbers.

We are researching green options for HVAC systems as well...because our 1988 heater's inoperability has made itself apparent with the first cold snap. This is a blessing in the long run because it was a DINOSAUR. The thing is bigger than a lot of people's first apartments.
XO peeps!! Look for blessings, they are there!!!

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