Saturday, August 17, 2013

Polly Wolly Doodle All The Day

Or however that song goes. :-)
This is Polly, our very tame and funny red sex link hen. She will answer Charlie Mac when he clucks at her- it's hilarious. Wild times here, wiiiiild! 

And this is James Clay holding "Lellow" who is his favorite. 

Please Lord don't let anything eat them. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Chronicles of Beauregard continue...

For a chicken, Beau has a pretty adventure laden life. The sole survivor of the massacre of his original flock by an unknown assassin, he survived a dog attack just yesterday with only the loss of his tail feathers and a neck wound. 

Well... Today, someone left the lid off of the chicken feed bin. It had been left open yesterday as well, and filled with rain. In all of the excitement with the dog vs chicken business, I just put the lid back on and forgot it. Charlie Mac must've left it off this morning after feeding them enough corn mash to start a side business. 
Beauregard must have thought he won the lottery when he saw the lid off and jumped right in. I have no idea what time that happened, nor how long he fought the corn mash quick sand. When I walked out for their evening feeding today I found him like this:

He was exhausted! And a mess:
(Note his pitiful tail feathers)

I bathed him in the goat trough. He was either too exhausted the raise a ruckus or he's the chillest rooster in Mississippi. We then wrapped him in a towel and took him inside. 

While swaddled he pecked pretzel crumbs out of a spoon

And fell sound asleep while being petted. I think he's on to something. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Goat fence

Bradley was hard at work on the goat fence- a project that is taking a million years because of his day job. It's looking great though, isn't it?!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

When the medical guys are shocked...and goat fences and green HVACs

So my Dr. has mentioned "your special circumstances" a few times during my treatment and I kinda gathered that my knee was severely messed up, so when my PT guy said something similar today I had to ask about it.
"I don't have anything to compare this to, and Dr. T and you both have talked about (my knee injury) like it's different- what do y'all mean?" And in words not near so crass as these he said something like:
"Well, this usually doesn't happen unless someone's leg is crushed in a car or they get hit with something big and mean."
And I was just standing on it and pulling my other leg up in an oblique exercise. "Freak accident" doesn't cover it for me. I'm the kind of person that always wants "an answer" and other than divine intervention into my way-too-busy life I can't at all understand why this happened. I'm an otherwise very healthy 37 year old. So I'm going with the divine intervention thing because I really go slap crazy if I didn't.
PT three times a week has started to try to get it to straighten. After that we will work on strengthening it so I can learn to walk on it again. Fear of re-injury is a huge factor and that's especially enlightening for me because I tended to downplay that sort of thing in others. That won't happen again.

So here's to bravery and stretching and getting this weird looking leg to straighten out. More importantly- here's to me learning all the lessons this is supposed to be teaching me.

In Hi-5 news, DH got a lot of the goat and dog fence done this past weekend with the help of some good teenaged friends. It won't be long before we add to our hooved numbers.

We are researching green options for HVAC systems as well...because our 1988 heater's inoperability has made itself apparent with the first cold snap. This is a blessing in the long run because it was a DINOSAUR. The thing is bigger than a lot of people's first apartments.
XO peeps!! Look for blessings, they are there!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Balancing Act, and falling.

At some point I believe that everyone feels they are in a balancing act...and if you're lucky when you do fall it will be hard enough to knock some sense into you. That being the case, I'm very lucky!

Between moving three times in a year, living apart from my husband for most of it, growing babies, growing my business, Sweet Cheeks, and trying to be a good wife and mother...well --- I was WAY out of balance.

We were rushing every morning and night, I was absolutely not eating healthily, not exercising, not ever praying and - obviously - not writing. Well - not writing anything but near constant texts or Facebook statuses and comments from my phone while I was on the go. Conversations beyond a sentence were a thing of fantasy.

So what did I do when things to help when I realized things were reaching this boiling point? Yoga? Long walks? Regular church attendance? No- I joined an exercise program called "Kick Your Booty Boot Camp." Because my booty needed anymore kicking - right? Yeah, well - God steps in when you're an idiot, Thank Him.

My first day of boot camp I was really into it. While AJ, a wonderful man and trainer by all accounts, was leading everyone with prayer and "1-2-3-4-come on and count!" I was thinking "1! 2! 3! Bi-kin-i! If it hurts, think Mini-skirt!" "look 30 by 40!" and the like. These are not self-loving thoughts about building strength and a whole life. This was VAIN. And in the middle of a simple oblique exercise...I got my wake-up call. Standing on my right leg and pulling my left knee to my left elbow I was gettin' it...and my right knee simply exploded.

After I desecrated the park with sailor-like profanity I realized that something really, really bad had happened...I heard pops and saw white bubbles in black space as I went down. I didn't hit my knee, I hit my nicely cushioned hip on the way down. After being carried like a feather to my dear friend's car and handed off to my husband at his office we headed to the ER. While we were waiting we got a return call from the orthopedic surgeon and headed straight there. An x-ray showed a piece of bone floating around and he ordered an MRI a few days later and sent me home with an immobilizer and pain pills. Husband took me to my mom's. I can honestly say I've never been in so much pain, and I've had three c-sections. I didn't go to the bathroom for 18 hours because it simply hurt too much to get up.

Later the MRI would show that my kneecap dislocated so violently that a good chunk of it was shattered against my femur and took a chunk out of it, too. After surgery the surgeon said he'd never seen so much damage from a dislocation...and he's done a whole lot of knees. There were at least 28 pieces of bone chips floating around and embedded in places things don't need to be embedded. Repair of the patella and femur weren't an option and we are praying they cover themselves with [some special kind of cartilage I was too doped up to remember] and the torn tendons (which were described as "crab meat" by the Dr.) have knitted by this Thursday when I go back.

I haven't stepped on my foot in over a month. I've been confined to my house about 99% of that time. In a wheelchair some, but mostly in my bed. When an extrovert like me is this isolated two things happen: 1. she posts constantly on facebook and 2. she's forced to look inward.

On the plus side, I've caught up on school and passed my third of 4 certification tests. I've worked with my dear cousin to get  the website for Sweet Cheeks almost finished and done a lot of the infrastructure work that really needed doing. I've ordered a lot of essential oils to play with and lined up some great guest bloggers and consultants for The Sweet Life. This is all great, but not at all the real blessing in this. The fact that I am talking about it first shows I've got some work to do.

I've been able to do a whole lot of thinking that the rat race had prevented. Most of it has been positive, but there have been moments of dark self discovery and damnation that rival anything this chick has ever seen. I've opened doors in my head I'd kept firmly closed and sealed with cement. I've cleaned skeletons out of closets and given proper burials to long-neglected corpses. And I'm still doing it.

Debbie Ford says to embrace your dark side...that it's just as important as your light side to who you are as a whole person. I'm going there...with balance.

Holding me aloft are my amazing husband who has taken on a load that rivals Atlas', blessed time with my kids, rest for the first time in 8 years and an inability to distract myself from this process...

It's time to return to myself. I thank God for this broken knee - blessings come in many disguises. And nothing that is out of balance is sustainable.

Friday, July 6, 2012

High Fives All Around! We're Home!

From June or July that didn't get published for some reason:

So it looks like the Hi-5 Ranch is finally becoming a in fo reals. There really aren't words to describe the feeling when you find your place, but we've found it. We are back in North Mississippi and have moved from our house in a neighborhood development in Oxford into a more manageable house on much more land in Taylor.

We. Are. Thrilled. Everyone is breathing easier and sleeping more soundly. We are on 2.5 acres surrounded by a horse farm and cattle farm. Whippoorwills sing the night away and there isn't a Chem-Lawn truck for miles and miles.

We've added to our number since I last wrote, one labradoodle pup, Lobo and one Pygmy goat, Firework in the last two weeks. Cypress, our lab/chessie/golden super retriever mix joined our family about two months ago.

We are going to retrieve our chicken coop from our friends at Woodson Ridge Farms today, and put a few chickens in it while we fix it up for the kids' school. Other business includes a temporary shelter/yard for Firework...who is a precious little fella. He's doing a great job helping us clear away brush and keeping the edges of our home, patio, etc. weed free. Chomp, chomp!

I'm adding a good camera to my list of things to find somewhere because I'd love to record this life we are living in a little mo' bettah way than my cursed droid can handle.

Monday, November 14, 2011

well, hello there!

SO - it's been a while! Tons has happened and all is well. There's no way I can get it all on here, so I'm just going to write from now forward. Today was a good day - we are still beat from the trip to Oxford, where we acted like we were in college. We so aren't in college. I'm hoping to be over Saturday by tomorrow (Tuesday) when I'm heading back up to Oxford for Dr appt and a Juice Plus meeting. I'm really looking forward to the JP thing. Joining JP at this time is so good - we are really on a wellness journey here at the Hi Five Ranchero and the two clearly go hand in hand. Driving up and down the road three days a week is not at all healthy though - and we have months to go of that. Juice Plus will help our bodies with all that stress! 
Sweet Cheeks is poised for take off - but has been sitting on the tarmac for the last couple of months. I'm stressing out about it - but it will happen when it's meant to. Moving five hours and then going back and forth constantly puts everything way down the totem pole somewhere under keeping the kids and ourselves sane. Just a few more months.... Weaning James Clay...weird. I've been preggo and/or b-feeding for almost 7 years straight. I have no idea who I'm going to be after I'm done with these cabbage leaves...I keep thinking I'm suddenly going to have more energy and clarity. Wouldn't that be nice? Here are me and my Boogie Bear doing what we do best - burning up the pavement:
Good night! Gotta hit the road early tomorrow! Woop!