Monday, May 30, 2011

Colors, colors

I found the cokors for the coop, because we all know that's the most important part.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Coop Cometh

My precious sweet awesome and handy hubby got a great start on the coop today!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My awesome, awesome job

This is what I get to look at and share with North Mississippi and Memphis three days a week. It's ok to be jealous. :-)


Pix of chix

Here are the lovelies this morning, happily roosting (and probably pooping) on their water bucket. Aren't their almost-grown-up feathers pretty?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Raised beds, new jobs and adolescent hens

Since the tornado kicked off our month of "Life In A Blender" a few developments have occurred in our little slice of America. Husband and I both got new jobs, mine part time, husband graduated from law school, children finished school for the year and the hens have been moved outside....

Except for tonight when I moved them back into the garage because we were under a tornado warning and we don't have their permanent coop built yet. Miss Cluck hurt her foot while we were herding them with their cage, and I'm hoping it heals without any problems. She's walking/roosting on the pole just fine with it, so I think it's just the skin that got hurt. We are building the coop tomorrow, so they will have somewhere nice and sturdy to ride out any storms.

I'm so over tornados.

We're seeing some promising results from our bell peppers, cukes, corn, basil, thyme, sage, squash, mint, marjoram, onions, chives and tomatoes. We actually ate some of our basil tonight and it was dee-lish if I do say so. And I do.

Speaking of margaritas, you should try Skinny Girl Margaritas. They are the bomb. Just don't try a whole bottle by yourself or you might feel like I do today.

Back to the chicks. They've been enjoying pecking and scratching in the yard and eating scraps from the kitchen. Their plumage is coming in beautifully and I'm looking forward to their red combs joining the show. Yesterday I was feeding the cats and heard Juanita cheeping excitedly. Turns out she's just a narc. Miss Cluck was proudly strutting around ON TOP of their mobile pen. Lord knows how she got there, and I wish He'd post the video on YouTube, because I bet it was hilarious. The gap in the wire on the top, in the middle of the roof was only about three inches at it's widest.  Anyway, I ran down and caught her and put her back in, then added some more scrap plywood to the top. (cue sanford and son theme song).

Speaking of the Lord, Good Him I'm tired.

'Night, y'all and God bless.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Well, we were kissed by the tornado, but were blessed to receive only minimal damage. The pond flooded the yard almost to the house, but the spillway kicked in and we didn't get any water inside.
The scariest part is that we had no warning. The sirens aren't audible where we are if you're inside. We awoke to our french doors (all three sets) blowing open as the tornado was reaching our house. I've never heard such a sound. Bradley flew up the stairs and pulled the kids from their beds upstairs as pieces of roof and siding were being pulled from right over their heads. We got into the basement and then about 1 minute later it was just...gone.
It rained a lot through the night and the next day. We watched as the pond rose up over our 5 foot fence and approached the house. The guy who built our house and the ones next to it brought a boat out and went over to the dam to be sure the spillway was working and once we knew that it was functioning, we breathed easy. I still don't like that it flooded our yard, but I'm counting my blessings!
Poor Tuscalosa got it so badly that I feel like we shouldn't complain a single bit.

Here are some pics:
early morning
it took about an hour to cover the fence completely
we had moved the composter up the hill, but the garbage bin that had blown into our yard (not ours) had a nice float around the yard! The water eventually was about halfway up the beds. I'm so glad we made them so tall!!

five foot fence was completely covered not long after this was taken.

it rose a few feet closer to the house than it is in this picture before the spillway kicked in.